Sunday, 9 November 2014

The Crit.


The crit where I showed these 5 photographs I feel went well. The comments that were said were very varied and versatile. Video games were a strong comment of them seeing as the female look like she is CGI and had just stepped out of a video game. The male gaze was referenced due to her looking almost naked which is visually pleasing to the male gender, However the female predatory gaze is the counter argument because in some of the photographs she looks like she is very intimidating, especially in the face on photographs because she looks more scary and these photographs were the most popular.  One person said "The one where she has her eyes looking down I would hang only that photograph on my wall, because it gives a very classical context with a glamour pose." These photographs gives a sense of strong female Hollywood figures i.e Jennifer Lawrence who in fact played mystique in X-men who was blue. The guessing of the context about these photographs were pretty much on point, I had comments saying that she was a siren and a mermaid, relating to dark seduction and even referencing the film Pirates of the Caribbean. They said that the photographs were vibrant, the use of bright colours were good and it seemed authentic.
I feel like these comments have affected my work in a positive way and will definitely help me with future photoshoots.

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